CONVERSE (Florentia Village Branch)

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  • Business Hours
    10:00-21:00 (Monday-Sunday)
  • Area
  • Address
    Inside Florentia Village, No. 28 Shugang Road, Guicheng Street, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China
  • Chinese Address
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Converse began in 1908 as a rubber shoe company specializing in galoshes. Soon after, Converse started using our rubber to make sneakers. In 1920, Converse renamed canvas basketball sneaker the “All Star.” The name stuck. What didn’t stick was their intention. Converse made them to sink jump shots on the court. You, however, saw them as something more… and started wearing our sneakers to do whatever you wanted. You played music, made art, skated the streets and kicked back. You wore them as fashion. You wore them to work. You customized them with your personal style. You did everything to them, and in them. You saw our sneakers' unlimited potential.



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