Dongfang Plaza

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    Jinhua Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
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Dongfang Plaza is located in the Shengping commercial center of Chancheng District, the historical "Great Foshan", at the intersection of Foshan and Nanhai. It is adjacent to Shidongshang Road in the east, Jinhua Road in the south, Yongan Road in the west, and Qingning Road in the north. The area is 250,000 square meters, with a total construction area of ​​800,000 square meters, of which the commercial area exceeds 230,000 square meters, and the investment is 2 billion. With the brand-new "International Tourism Industry District" concept, it has become Foshan's commercial aircraft carrier and one of the few super giant malls in South China. Traffic poles around Oriental Plaza For convenience and accessibility, Guangfo Metro and Oriental Plaza Bus Station will be opened one after another, which will greatly accelerate the formation of "Great Foshan" and "30-minute living circle", and bring vitality and business opportunities to Oriental Plaza that have never been seen in a century. The operation and management of Oriental Plaza is fully in charge of Foshan Oriental Plaza Commercial Co., Ltd. The company mixes various popular commercial elements such as tourism, shopping, dining, entertainment, and sports. To ensure scientific and high-quality management, Oriental Plaza has hired Management consulting companies, property management consulting companies and ISO will establish a quality supervision committee. The company has five departments: office, operation management center, financial audit, information management, and property management center. Each department has clear rights and responsibilities, and has built a sound organization for the company's fast and efficient operation. The company's management team is composed of professional management talents from various large shopping malls and well-known department stores in the province. They are young and vigorous, dedicated to their responsibilities, have a good educational background and rich practical experience. More importantly, the company pays attention to diversification in the selection of talents and operation management. It combines local consumption habits and cultural characteristics and introduces advanced management concepts at home and abroad to gradually form a corporate culture and management model with Oriental Plaza characteristics.



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