Asian Arts Park

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Asian Art Park is located in the center of Foshan Development Zone, covering an area of 40 hectares, including 26.6 hectares of water body. The park plans and designs the culture with Lingnan water town as the prominent feature; the green vein with water forest as the prominent feature; the water vein with dragon boat race as the prominent feature, and the design concept highlights the Lingnan culture feature. At the same time, through the design elements such as architecture, sculpture, plants, bridges, etc To create an art garden with Asian artistic style. Three scenic spots: “Main entrance scenic spot”: the square area of the scenic spot is about 14000 square meters, which can accommodate 3000 tourists for garden activities, including entrance square, commemorative sculpture of Asian culture and Art Festival, cultural exhibition gallery, water stage, parking lot and other facilities. The scenic area is flat and atmospheric, with wide vision and smooth traffic. It has a good function of people flow distribution and will become one of the main venues for cultural exchange activities of the Asian Art Festival. “Water forest scenic spot”: the main features of the landscape are water pine and larch, forming a water plant community. In the planting space, various rest spaces are set up, and the fine art works created by Asian sculpture artists reflecting the cultures of various countries are arranged at the same time. “Dragon Boat Race scenic spot”: Based on the large water surface of the Asian Art Park, an international competition standard dragon boat race track has been set up. The riverside of the scenic spot is zigzag and winding. Along the riverside, several waterside pavilions, pavilions and galleries and docks have been designed as a platform for tourists to enjoy the lake scenery and dragon boat race.



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