Bijiang Golden House

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Bijiang Golden House is located in Bijiang, Beibei, Shunde District, Foshan City. It belongs to the Ming and Qing Dynasties and has a history of hundreds of years. The ancient building complex of Jinlou consists of mud buildings, staff side, Jinlou, Nanshan ancestral hall, Jianlongmen, Yiyu’s widow, Mutang ancestral hall, brick carving wall and Sanxing mansion. It has concentrated the functions of mansion, shrine, study, garden, etc., and retains the ancient buildings with Lingnan characteristics, such as dry play bases, oyster shell walls, water-milled bricks, and “Eer’s Mountain Wall”. The ancient art of the Pearl River water village and the cultural accumulation of officials and Confucian merchants are reflected in this compact group of ancient buildings. The golden spot of the ancient architectural complex, formerly known as Fuhe Tower, is decorated with golden wood carvings. It is said that it was the dowry and gift given to the daughter of Dai Hongci, a famous minister in the late Qing Dynasty. The folks have the legend of “Golden House Treasure”. The ingenious gold and wood works include almost all the techniques in the art of wood carving. What is particularly rare is that all the wood carvings use traditional Chinese themes, infiltrating foreign artistic styles, and confirming the development history of Lingnan culture in kind. The courtyard also preserves the wood, stone plaques and Dai Hongci inscribed by Qing dynasties such as Liu Tang and Song Xiang, as well as the authentic paintings and calligraphy of Han Mo, which were given by scholars from Shunde in Qing Dynasty, and given inscriptions. Modern furniture, rare Qing Dynasty official sedan, trekking bed (thousand-work bed), visitors can come and experience the life of rich people in the Pearl River Delta in the past, and learn about Lingnan culture’s architectural achievements.



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