Danan Mountain

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    26 kilometers north of the southwest Street of Sanshui
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Danan Mountain is located 26 kilometers north of Sanshui Southwest Street, with Datang Town in the north and Longwangmiao Reservoir in the southeast. It is the boundary mountain between Sanshui and Sihui. Formerly known as Datan Mountain, it is named after there are five large and small ponds in the mountain. The biggest highlight of Danan Mountain is its location on the Tropic of Cancer, the only mountain in Foshan on the Tropic of Cancer. The northeast is about 6 kilometers away from Hesheng Pit, the seat of the original Liuhe Town Government, covering an area of 620 hectares. The main peak, Tianxintang, is 546.9 meters above sea level. From the world map, the landform features on the Tropic of Cancer are mostly deserts or grasslands with sparse vegetation, but Southeast Asia is a broad-leaved forest belt with evergreen vegetation, full of verdant scenes. This is due to the difference between the continental location and the atmospheric circulation. The Danan Mountain is located in the rare green geographical landscape on the Tropic of Cancer, with 80% vegetation coverage, 50% hilly area, 11% water area, superior ecological environment, and beautiful natural scenery.



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