CHOW TAI FOOK (Florentia Village Branch)

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  • Business Hours
    10:00-21:00 (Monday-Sunday)
  • Area
  • Address
    Inside Florentia Village, No. 28 Shugang Road, Guicheng Street, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China
  • Chinese Address
  • Didi Taxi
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  • Contact Person
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Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited ("Chow Tai Fook" or the "Company"; Stock Code: 1929) is a world-class leading jeweller listed on The Stock of Exchange of Hong Kong in 2011. Chow Tai Fook is now a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Mainland 100 Index. The iconic brand "CHOW TAI FOOK" and heritage of 87 years represent key competitive advantages of our business. The "CHOW TAI FOOK" brand is recognised for its trustworthiness and authenticity, and product design, quality and value. The successful acquisition of Hearts On Fire, an internationally acclaimed U.S. premium diamond brand, in 2014 has further underpinned the Group's stature as the diamond expert in the industry. The Group boasts an extensive retail network with over 2,300 Chow Tai Fook and Hearts On Fire stores spanning more than 500 cities in Greater China, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and the United States, as well as a fast growing presence in e-commerce through operating the Chow Tai Fook e-Shops and various e-tail accounts on other online shopping platforms. We have a sophisticated vertically integrated business model that gives us effective control over our operation chain, from procurement, design, production, to marketing and sales through our extensive retail network.



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