Migratory routes to Guangdong

According to research by bird experts, there are 8 routes for migratory birds globally, including 3 routes through China. The three migration routes are the western migration route, the eastern migration route and the central migration route, and Guangdong is in the middle-eastern part of the eastern route.

From September to March of the following year, it is the season for migratory birds to migrate. In autumn, migratory birds fly from their breeding grounds to wintering areas from north to south. They either stay in Guangdong for a short time and then continue to fly southward to the wintering areas, or stay in Guangdong for the winter. In the spring of the next year, these migratory birds fly from south to north, from wintering areas to breeding areas. The migration process from north to south and then from south to north provides people with excellent bird watching opportunities.

As the autumn wind blows, migratory birds return. Poet Wang Bo from Tang Dynasty mentioned this beautiful scene with autumn and birds in his poem “A lone wild duck flies with the sunset clouds; the autumn river mirrors the color of the sky.”

Which places are best for bird watching? Let's have a look!

Lvdao Lake

In the central lake of Lvdao Lake area, there are hundreds of egrets living on the lush green island. Due to the superior ecological environment, Lvdao Lake, which has the characteristics of Lingnan water town, has become a home and habitat for egrets, attracting nearly 2000 egrets to live and breed on the island in the middle of the lake. The turquoise lake, the dense bird forest, egrets on the island of the lake like little pearls perching on the branches, or flying by, which is fascinating to see. The egrets flock above the island soaring, which adds liveliness to the view.

In addition to seeing these flying beauties by the lake, the Lvdao Lake Egret Observation Base is also a good place to observe egrets up close. Visiting indoor super-realistic specimens of egrets and other animals is also a good opportunity to get close to nature. There are a lot of biological science knowledge around. Parents might be interested in bringing their children to learn more.

Bird watching guide:

The main landscape center lake and the south lake of Lvdao Lake area are the best places to watch Egret Island that is in the middle of the lake. There are many plants such as banyan trees, weeping willows, yellow bamboos, water sunflowers, water lilies, and aquatic plants on the island. At present, there are two to three thousand egrets living here. The best time to watch egrets is when egrets go out for food every morning at 7-8 a.m. or return to their nests at 4-5 p.m. Opening hours of the Lvdao Lake Egret Observation Base: 8:30-12:00, 14:00-17:30 every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, free to the public.

Jiujiang Haishou Wetlands

A few days ago, the neighborhood was pleasantly surprised to find that a group of egrets flapping their wings across the blue sky near the Jiujiang Bund Wetland Park in Nanhai.

From September to march of the following year is the season for migratory birds to migrate. Facing the vast Xijiang River, Jiujiang has a dense water network, which nourishes all things. Here the grass grows and birds fly, and there are abundant fish and shrimps.

To this day, Jiujiang in the Nanhai still keeps a large area of mulberry-fish ponds, forming a picture of beautiful water village. The pure and natural ecological environment makes it an important stop for migratory birds on their migration. Every year, thousands of migratory birds come to Haishou Island for winter.

In autumn and winter every year, the water level of the Xijiang River gradually drops and mud flats begin to emerge. With excellent water quality and quiet environment, it has gradually become an excellent wetland, attracting groups of egrets to play and forage.

Birds can be seen here:
Kestrel, Ceryle rudis, Acridotheres cristatellus, Long-tailed Shrike, Red-whiskered Bulbul, Black-winged Kite, Tufted Duck etc.

Best time for bird watching

08:30-11:00  14:30-17:00

Huangji Heron Paradise

Clear water and green mountains, setting sun and evening glow, thousands of birds returning to the forest, just like a Chinese painting with rich colors. This harmonious and peaceful scene is hidden in the Heron Paradise in Huangji Community of Jiujiang, Nanhai.

There are nearly a hundred acres of bamboo forests and fish ponds, where over ten thousand egrets inhabit. At 6:00 a.m. every morning, at the beginning of dawn, egrets fly away from the bamboo forest for food. At 6:00 p.m., the egrets return home, and the grey herons take over the egrets and start the night shift, which goes on and on.

Birds can be seen here: Little Egret, Grey Heron etc.

Best time for bird watching

6:00-8:00, 16:00-18:00, free to the public

Lunjiao Heron Paradise

In Lunjiao Heron Paradise, a wetland oasis, there are lush trees and bamboos, and thousands of herons fly around here. Now Jizhou Xiwei has become a habitat for thousands of herons. At dawn and sunset, thousands of Little Egrets, Black-crowned night herons, Ardea cinerea, Chinese Pond Herons fly in groups over the bamboo forest. They come out in the day and rest at night, accompanied by the glow of sunrise and sunset.

Bird watching guide:

The best time for bird watching is at the early morning and in the evening. At this time, Little Egrets, Black-crowned night herons, Ardea cinerea interact with each other due to different living habits - some flying out while some returning to rest. It forms a series of beautiful ecological pictures with the glows of the daylight. In the early evening, when you get on the bird watching platform, you can see that egrets and night herons flying back and forth as if they were “taking shifts”, which is a spectacular view.

Bruce Lee Paradise

Bruce Lee Paradise, built around mountains and rivers, is another popular place for egrets. Surrounded by the blue sky, clear water and lush trees, it has a high-quality ecological environment and attracts tens of thousands of egrets to live in.

Watching from a distance, a number of egrets are like white decorations in the bamboo forest, in the flowing shallow water and on the green bush branches, which is really lovely.

Gaoming Lunyong Village

“Two yellow orioles are singing atop the green willows. A flight of white egrets are flying up toward the sky.” is another famous poem in Chinese textbooks. The egrets described by the poet Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty are pure, elegant and beautiful.

The clean reservoir behind Lunyong Village, with beautiful mountains and clear waters is a livable place for egrets. Hundreds of egrets have set up their rest area here. Above the blue water, egrets spread out their wings, flying in the blue sky, perching in the woods, playing by the water and grass. Their long legs and curved neck make a graceful shape, adding lots of vitality to nature. Egrets inhabit in swamps, rice fields, lakes or beaches, and feed on various small fish, eels, loach, frogs, shrimps, leeches, etc. The spring and autumn migration activities take place in April and November every year. Bustling and lively. Hundreds of birds fly together, forming a beautiful picture with the water and mountains, and a perfect visual feast is presented in front of you.


Many More birds in Many More Places

If you often visit the above places and would like to see more bird species, do not worry. There are other bird watching places. They are close to Foshan so you won’t have to travel far!


Nansha Wetland in Guangzhou

Nansha Wetland is in the southernmost part of Guangzhou and the largest wetland in the Pearl River Delta. Thousands of migratory birds come to Nansha Wetland for winter every year. At present, there are more than 140 species of birds recorded in the Nansha Wetland, including rare birds such as the Oriental White Stork and the Black-faced Spoonbill.

Shenzhen Mangrove Forest

The Shenzhen Mangrove Forest is on the banks of Shenzhen Bay, covering an area of only 369 hectares. It is called "pocket type reserve" by foreign ecological experts. As the mangrove forest has a large number of fish and insects, it has become a foraging paradise for birds. Every year, 189 species of migratory birds, such as white spoonbill, black Headed Gull and little green shank, migrate to the south for rest or winter.

Note: the mangrove reserve are open to 160 visitors every day. If you want to enter the reserve for bird watching, you must submit an application on its official website in advance.

Wuyu, Nan'ao, Shantou

Located on the sea route of the migration of Asian birds from south to north, Wuyu island has become a breeding ground for more than 130 species of seabirds. It is also known as an international bird paradise.

Bird Watching Code

  1. Watch from afar. Respect, and do not disturb;
  2. If you encounter birds nesting or brooding, keep an appropriate viewing distance;
  3. When photographing wild birds, use natural light and no flash should be used to avoid frightening them;
  4. Some birds are shy, secretive and difficult to observe. Improper methods such as throwing stones should not be used to lure them out;
  5. Do not pick flowers or climb trees for the convenience of observation or photography. Do not damage the habitat of wild birds and nearby vegetation ecology.
  6. Please respect the right of survival of birds and do not collect bird eggs or catch wild birds;
  7. Please do not lure birds with food, which will make them malnourished, lose the opportunity to migrate, or even cause death.

What equipment should be used for bird watching?

Bird watching telescope

The telescope is undoubtedly the most important equipment in bird watching. Telescopes can be roughly divided into binoculars and monoculars. Binoculars are small in size, easy to operate and easy to carry, suitable for beginners. Monocular telescopes generally have larger magnifications, which can reach 20 to 60 times. The use of this type of telescope can see distant bird activities more clearly, especially in the observation of water birds.

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